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NightLase® Laser Snoring Treatment

NightLase® LaserTreatment is a fast, non-invasive, and friendly way of increasing the quality of a patient’s sleep.

NightLase® lessens the effects of sleep apnea and decreases the amplitude of snoring through the use of gentle, superficial laser light. No anesthesia is used in this treatment.

How does it work?

During NightLase® treatment laser light heats the tissue, causing tightening of the tissue which leads to a more open airway which then in turn lessens or eliminates the snoring. The procedure is performed in two simple steps preheating and the laser treatment itself both of which last less than 30 minutes and require no anesthesia.

It’s important to note that Nightlase is not a cure for OSA, and there is no evidence that it will improve blood oxygenation levels. Sometimes it’s recommended in combination with other treatments (ie: CPAP, diet). Please note that Nightlase is not a cure for Obstructive Sleep Apnea. If you suspect that you have OSA, we recommend that you consult your physician about the need for a sleep study and the appropriate treatment for your specific needs.

A thorough exam must be done prior to treatment. Treatment is customized to each patient’s individual need; it is usually done in three 20-minute sessions, 3-4 weeks apart. Up to a 50% improvement can be seen after just the first treatment. The low-cost effects of Nightlase last for 12-24 months, then another treatment may be helpful to further enhance the results. Currently, insurance companies do not pay for snoring treatments as a distinct, isolated problem. If you have undergone a sleep study to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea, you should discuss the appropriate treatment with your physician, as some surgical treatments may be insurable. Nightlase is not a surgical treatment or a cure for OSA, and it is not covered by insurance benefits. Because of that, our office makes every effort to keep the procedure cost affordable, and different payment options are available.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact our office consultation to see if you are a candidate.